Advertising in Logan, Utah
We answer
to Main Street,
not Wall Street.
Our commitment to Cache Valley is what motivates us to provide on-time news, tasteful music & content, and effective advertising solutions for our local community.

Visit CacheValleyDaily.com
Cache Valley's resource for over 40 years.
Radio Advertising.
Radio is one of Cache Valley’s most dominant & widely-trusted mediums. We help local businesses grow and achieve top-of-mind awareness.
Digital Marketing.
In an ever-changing world, it's hard to stay on top of all the options available. See how our digital marketing solutions can make the difference.
News Sponsorship.
Reach your customers through display ads, sponsored posts, advertorials on the valley's fastest-growing news site, cachevalleydaily.com.

Marketing in Logan, Utah
Advertising Pros
With A Proven
Track Record.
Keeping our local small businesses strong is essential to maintaining a thriving community. We're proud to be a part of the success stories of hundreds of Cache Valley, Box Elder County, Bear Lake, and Franklin County businesses.
Latest news from
The Blog
Check out our blog for digital marketing tips, radio industry happenings, case studies, and localized business advice. We'll keep you up-to-date on the latest advertising trends and industry-standard marketing practices.

Kris Larsen,
Al's Sporting Goods
Betty Ricks,
Darrell's Appliance
Dan Smith,
The Sports Academy
Here's What our
Clients Say
We believe in our clients, and they believe in us. Being the marketing source in Cache Valley is no small potatoes, but we're striving to be the best in the business at helping other local businesses achieve their goals.